
Harry Potter In Real Life

.•¤ Harry Potter Looking for Platform 9 3/4 ¤•.
I usually say that from time to time the universe blesses us with fantastic gifts, one of them certainly was the Harry Potter series.
Those who had the pleasure, as I, of growing with this series have passed it forward as a legend to be told, but what makes this saga so special is the simple fact that it is not lost with time, the flames  lit by it never went out or slowed down since his birth.

Knowing that the youtube channel Imrpove Everywhere , known for making "Real Life" versions of big movie, launched on 11.19.2013 their version of "Real Life" Harry Potter, they put a little boy, much like Harry, in a train station asking people if they knew where was the entrance to the station 9 3/4.

What fascinates most in this video is the reaction of people, many of them are touched and almost all of them recognize the tip, with varied age group, almost all recognize the little wizard boy.

Watch and see:

Are attitudes like this that never leave a story die, and through it we can see how much people still love this saga.

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